Our Cut Flowers

Silver Tree Flowers offers a diverse array of annual and perennial cut flowers for wholesale markets or for purchase through our CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) program.  We value high quality, locally and organically-grown crops that reflect our connection to and relationship as part of the natural world. Our flowers are grown in our ½ acre field in no-till, permanent, perennial beds managed by hand using organic practices and biological processes to fertilize, mulch, water, weed and harvest with the greatest care.

Our fresh flowers are sold in-season directly to customers and florists within a 20-mile radius of our farm, assuring healthy bouquets, positive impacts on our local environment (through ecological farming and delivery by electric car) and a real relationship between grower and purchaser. We do not use synthetic or chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or fossil fuel-based mechanization at any stage of cultivation. We buy organic seed whenever possible and use a locally-produced, coconut coir-based seed starter mix for our greenhouse-grown seedlings. We recognize the high toxicity (both for the growers and buyers) and high carbon footprint (most flowers sold at U.S. florists are flown in thousands of miles from S. America or Europe) of conventionally- and commercially-grown flowers. We value ecology, quality, creativity and community in producing our hand-grown, hand-harvested, hand-delivered flowers for your table.


Click here to join our Flower Bouquet CSA Today!

Flower Bouquet CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a model of agricultural production in which a network of members pledge to support a farm, with growers and consumers sharing the risks and benefits of production. When you sign up as a Silver Tree Flower CSA member, you help us meet the upfront costs of seeds and equipment in the Spring, then we provide you with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers for 8 weeks throughout the summer (late July thru end of September). Each week you’ll receive a unique bouquet of over 30 stems of the freshest blooms available in our field that week, beautifully arranged in a glass mason jar (returnable each week for reuse).

Click Here to Join our Flower Bouquet CSA Today!


We have carefully curated our list of flower varieties to bring you a wide range of beautiful blooms, naturally grown in healthy soils and supported by the biodiversity of our forest gardens. Availability of our cut flowers varies week by week, depending on what is at peak harvest at that time.  Our fields are in production from May-October each summer with blooms for sale from mid-July until frost.  Please feel free to contact us anytime with questions or to suggest your favorite flower for us to grow!


We are dedicated to providing excellent quality, fresh-from-the-field blooms for your floral shop or floral design business at competitive wholesale prices.  Our fields are in production from May-October each summer with blooms for sale from mid-July until frost.  We deliver twice a week to local florists within a 20-mile radius of Auburn, NY.  Please feel free to contact us using this form to sign up to receive our weekly wholesale price list, request delivery, or suggest varieties you’d like us to grow.