In the permaculture movement, one of our principles is “Create No Waste”.  As much as possible we look for patterns in our environment and identify where waste can be turned into “food”, or a resource for another part of our livings systems.

In an effort to put this into practice, we’ve been offering CSA model since 2016 to provide our community with fresh eggs from our happy, pasture-raised chickens.  We’re currently caring for 200+ chickens, who spend their days ranging freely on an acre of grass and forest garden at our farm.

Many of our spring-hatched chickens have matured and are now beginning their prime laying, steadying egg production. We’re in the process of establishing connections with local restaurants to collect food scraps to feed to our birds (they LOVE picking at scraps!). By closing a waste stream and diverting organic material from the landfill, we build resilience into this system of local food production.  For proper nutrition, we will continue to supplement with locally grown, organic feed from Lakeview Organic Grain, blended and milled the day we pick it up in Penn Yan.

Here are the details:

  • $96 per home delivery share for 12 dozen chicken eggs (@ $8.00 per dozen) OR

  • $78 per pickup share for 12 dozen chicken eggs (@ $6.50 per dozen)

  • If you want extra eggs or need to pause for a week just let us know and we’ll accommodate as available.

  • Your 12-week CSA Share will automatically renew unless you cancel.

We have a limited number of CSA spaces, so please contact us directly if you’re interested.

Call 315-258-3771, or email to inquire.